In every stages of your life,in the sweet childhood,in the blasting youth,your parents had given you everything you need.After that stage, you were enough to do your own needs in your life. But now you are screaming alone in the darkness. At some point of life, you might have forced yourself to taste it, for getting love, approval, or to prove your manhood (womanhood) ! That puff or a red liquid or such stuffsyou begun was the reason of your end!

Where is your closed one now? You are pushed out from your home, from your family, from your society and your related one’s. You will not be invited for any public functions or family programs. Now You are like a waste tissue. where will you get the relief?? Here, Come with us to a NEW WORLD OF RELIEF, COMFORT where you find a new hope..

About New Hope

It is a group of noble people who lead hundreds of people to new Silverlight of life from the scary world of alcohol and other such stuffs.If you know any drug addicted people, just welcome them to a new world of peace,happiness and calmness.


welcome the world to a marvelous society..


We exist here for in building moral values in your life, family, and society .

About Video